Infernal Comedy

Role: Project Owner, Fashion Illustrator, Art Director, Graphic Designer

This is one of my best passion projects, and it was done as final project in fashion school. The theme I chose to explore was red shoes in fashion. I looked to cinema, music and history to fully understand what the color red means and how that meaning changes once it it is applied to a specific fashion garment.

I deconstructed my thinking process for this project, leveraging my strengths in watercolor illustration and mixed media. After conducting in-depth research on the subject, I decided to create a book of short stories centered around women wearing red shoes. The stories are inspired by Dante's Inferno, as well as modern gothic and dark comedy pieces.
To create the illustrations, I first sketch them out on paper with pencil, and then use watercolors to paint them. Once the paint has dried, I enhance the images with a fountain pen to add dimension. Finally, the illustrations are digitized and laid out in the storybooks.